The Essentials - Team Level

This collection contains what a manager would need to put the Performance Conversations method to good use with their team.

This collection includes the following:

The Essentials - Everything need to get started and implement the method - 45+ videos, tools, checklists, etc. Designed for use with a small team.

What It Is!         

What is Performance Conversations - Video       

What is Performance Conversations - Document - Pages

Managers I - Module Overview  Video

Performance Conversations vs. Performance Appraisals - Chart  

Performance Conversations vs. Performance Appraisals - Video


Why it is so Good!         

PC Fundamentals - Elements & Advantages         Video

Can We Talk - Why Conversations are the Holy Grail - Video

Coach & Performer vs. Boss & Employee              - Video

Coaching vs. Supervision - Document

Positivity & Positive Psychology - Honey vs. Vinegar - Video

Efforts, Outcomes, & Behaviors - Performance Gold - Video

What Is Co-Performance? - Video

Feedback, Not Appraisal - Video

Time and Dosage - Feedback Fundamentals - Video

Feedforward - A 21st Century Management Technique - Video

Feedforward - Exercise – Basic -               Exercise

Forest vs. Trees - How PC Differs from Regular Meetings - Video


How It’s Done  

Initial Steps for Holding a Performance Conversation Your Team - Video

Preparation Checklist - Manager              Checklist

How Often Should You Hold Conversations - Video

Calendar - Scheduling – Manager - Document

E-mail to Employee's Announcing PC - Sample

How to Hold an Actual 30-Minute Performance Conversation - Video

Your First Performance Conversation - Video

Relationships, Rapport, Results - Video

E-mail Summary – Employee - Sample

E-mail Summary – Manager - Sample


What If - What to do when it is hard     

Holding Difficult Conversations: As Easy as 1, 2, 3 - Video

How to Deliver Negative Feedback - 5 W's - Video

Safety Valve Questions - What to Ask When You Are Stuck - Document   


Why it Works Without Trying Hard        

Fabulous Five - Feedback, Feedforward, Follow-up, Frequency, Familiarity - Video

Feedback and Feedforward: Comparisons, Contrasts, and Complements: Graphic - Document


What are the three Techniques - Pick One         

Performance Portfolio Technique - Video

Performance Questions Technique – Video

Performance Checklist Technique - Video


Tools & Resources         

Assessment - PC - Main – Managers - Assessment


50% Complete

Two Step

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